Unveiling the Mystery: Locating the Microphone on Your iPhone 11

Unveiling the Mystery: Locating the Microphone on Your iPhone 11


Have you ever wondered where the microphone is located on your iPhone 11? It may seem like a simple question, but many users find themselves searching for the microphone’s location. In this article, we will unveil the mystery and guide you on how to locate the microphone on your iPhone 11.

Understanding the Importance of the Microphone

The microphone plays a crucial role in your iPhone 11. It allows you to make phone calls, record audio, use voice commands, and even participate in video calls. Without a properly functioning microphone, these features would be rendered useless. Therefore, it is essential to know where the microphone is located to ensure its optimal performance.

Locating the Microphone

The iPhone 11 has multiple microphones strategically placed to capture audio from different directions. Let’s explore the various locations where you can find the microphones on your device:

1. Bottom of the iPhone

The primary microphone is located at the bottom of your iPhone 11. It is positioned next to the charging port, on the right-hand side. This microphone is responsible for capturing audio during phone calls, recording videos, and other general audio functions.

2. Top of the iPhone

Another microphone is located at the top of your iPhone 11, near the front-facing camera. This microphone is primarily used for noise cancellation during phone calls and video recordings. It helps reduce background noise and ensures clear audio transmission.

3. Rear Camera Module

The iPhone 11 also features a microphone located within the rear camera module. This microphone is specifically designed to enhance audio quality during video recordings. It captures audio from the direction you are recording, resulting in more immersive and clear sound.

Testing the Microphone

Now that you know where the microphones are located on your iPhone 11, it’s essential to ensure they are working correctly. Here’s how you can test the microphone:

1. Voice Memos App

Open the Voice Memos app on your iPhone 11 and tap the record button. Speak into the microphone, and you should see the audio levels moving on the screen. Play back the recording to check if the microphone captured the sound accurately.

2. Phone Calls

Make a phone call to a friend or family member and ask them if they can hear you clearly. If they report any issues with the audio quality or difficulty in hearing you, it may indicate a problem with the microphone.

3. Video Recording

Record a short video using the rear camera of your iPhone 11. Speak clearly while recording and play back the video to check if the audio is clear and synchronized with the visuals.

Troubleshooting Microphone Issues

If you encounter any problems with the microphone on your iPhone 11, here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try:

1. Clean the Microphone

Dust or debris can sometimes block the microphone, affecting its performance. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently clean the microphone openings at the bottom and top of your iPhone 11.

2. Restart Your iPhone

Restarting your iPhone can help resolve temporary software glitches that may be affecting the microphone. Press and hold the power button until the “Slide to power off” option appears. Slide the power button to turn off your device, then press and hold the power button again to turn it back on.

3. Update iOS

Ensure that your iPhone 11 is running the latest version of iOS. Apple frequently releases software updates that include bug fixes and improvements. Go to Settings > General > Software Update to check for any available updates.

4. Reset Settings

If the above steps do not resolve the microphone issue, you can try resetting your iPhone’s settings. Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings. Keep in mind that this will reset your device’s settings to their default values, so make sure to back up any important data before proceeding.


Locating the microphone on your iPhone 11 is no longer a mystery. By understanding its various locations and testing its functionality, you can ensure that your device’s microphone is working optimally. If you encounter any issues, try the troubleshooting steps mentioned above or reach out to Apple Support for further assistance. Now, go ahead and make those crystal-clear phone calls and record high-quality videos with confidence!


1. Apple Support: https://support.apple.com/

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