Understanding the ‘Emphasize’ Feature on iPhone: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the ‘Emphasize’ Feature on iPhone: A Comprehensive Guide


Apple’s iPhone is known for its user-friendly interface and a wide range of features that enhance the user experience. One such feature is the ‘Emphasize’ feature, which allows users to highlight important text or content on their device. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various aspects of the ‘Emphasize’ feature and how to make the most out of it.

What is the ‘Emphasize’ Feature?

The ‘Emphasize’ feature on iPhone is a tool that enables users to draw attention to specific text or content on their device. It is particularly useful when you want to highlight important information in a document, email, or any other text-based content. By using this feature, you can make certain words or phrases stand out, making it easier for you or others to quickly identify key points.

How to Access the ‘Emphasize’ Feature

Accessing the ‘Emphasize’ feature on your iPhone is simple and straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the document, email, or any other text-based content that you want to emphasize.
  2. Select the text that you want to highlight by tapping and holding on it.
  3. In the pop-up menu that appears, tap on the ‘Emphasize’ option.
  4. The selected text will now be highlighted, making it more prominent.

Customizing the ‘Emphasize’ Feature

Apple understands that every user has different preferences when it comes to highlighting text. That’s why they have provided customization options for the ‘Emphasize’ feature. Here are some ways you can customize it:


You can choose the color of the highlight to suit your personal preference or to differentiate between different types of emphasized text. To change the color, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone’s home screen.
  2. Scroll down and tap on ‘Accessibility’.
  3. Under the ‘Vision’ section, tap on ‘Display & Text Size’.
  4. Tap on ‘Text Highlighting’.
  5. Select the color you want from the available options.


The intensity of the highlight determines how prominent it appears on the screen. You can adjust the intensity to make the emphasized text more or less noticeable. To change the intensity, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on ‘Accessibility’.
  3. Scroll down and tap on ‘Display & Text Size’.
  4. Tap on ‘Text Highlighting’.
  5. Adjust the slider to increase or decrease the intensity.

Benefits of Using the ‘Emphasize’ Feature

The ‘Emphasize’ feature offers several benefits that can enhance your iPhone experience. Here are some advantages of using this feature:

Improved Readability

By highlighting important text, the ‘Emphasize’ feature improves readability, making it easier for you to quickly scan through a document or email and identify key points. This can be particularly useful when you are dealing with lengthy texts or when you need to find specific information quickly.

Effective Communication

When sharing documents or emails with others, using the ‘Emphasize’ feature can help you convey your message more effectively. By highlighting important information, you can ensure that the recipient focuses on the key points you want to emphasize, reducing the chances of miscommunication.

Organization and Productivity

The ‘Emphasize’ feature allows you to organize your content better and increase productivity. By highlighting important text, you can create visual cues that help you navigate through documents or emails more efficiently. This can save you time and effort, especially when dealing with large amounts of information.


The ‘Emphasize’ feature on iPhone is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your user experience. By understanding how to access and customize this feature, you can make the most out of it and improve your productivity and communication. Whether you are a student, professional, or casual user, the ‘Emphasize’ feature is a valuable addition to your iPhone toolkit.


1. Apple Support: https://support.apple.com/

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