Ultimate Guide: How to Share Battery Life on Your iPhone

Ultimate Guide: How to Share Battery Life on Your iPhone


One of the most common concerns for iPhone users is running out of battery life. Whether you’re traveling, attending a conference, or simply using your phone extensively throughout the day, it’s important to have a reliable source of power. Luckily, Apple has introduced a feature that allows you to share battery life between iPhones. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through the steps to share battery life on your iPhone.

Why Share Battery Life?

Sharing battery life can be incredibly useful in various situations. Here are a few reasons why you might want to share battery life with another iPhone:

  • Emergency situations: If you or someone you know is in an emergency situation and their iPhone is running out of battery, sharing battery life can be a lifesaver.
  • Traveling: When you’re on the go and don’t have access to a power source, sharing battery life can help ensure that both you and your travel companion have enough power to stay connected.
  • Conferences or events: Attending a conference or event often means using your iPhone extensively. Sharing battery life with a colleague or friend can help both of you stay connected throughout the day.

Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you understand the benefits of sharing battery life, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Enable Battery Sharing

The first step is to enable battery sharing on your iPhone. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Battery”.
  3. Under the “Battery” section, you will find the option “Battery Health”. Tap on it.
  4. Toggle on the “Share Across Devices” option.

Step 2: Connect iPhones

Once you have enabled battery sharing on your iPhone, you need to connect your iPhone with the device you want to share battery life with. Here’s how:

  1. Make sure both iPhones have Bluetooth and Wi-Fi turned on.
  2. On the iPhone you want to share battery life from, go to the Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen (or up from the bottom on older iPhone models).
  3. Long-press on the battery icon.
  4. A new window will appear showing the battery percentage of both iPhones. Tap on the device you want to share battery life with.
  5. Confirm the connection on the other iPhone.

Step 3: Monitor Battery Usage

Once the iPhones are connected, you can monitor the battery usage of both devices. Here’s how:

  1. On the iPhone you want to monitor, go to the Control Center.
  2. Long-press on the battery icon.
  3. A window will appear showing the battery percentage of both iPhones.
  4. You can now see the battery usage of both devices.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to make the most out of battery sharing on your iPhone:

  • Keep an eye on battery usage: It’s important to monitor the battery usage of both devices to ensure a fair distribution of power.
  • Disable battery sharing when not needed: If you’re not actively using battery sharing, it’s a good idea to disable it to save battery life.
  • Charge both iPhones simultaneously: When you have access to a power source, charge both iPhones simultaneously to ensure they are fully charged.


Sharing battery life on your iPhone can be a game-changer in emergency situations, while traveling, or during conferences and events. By following this ultimate guide, you can easily enable battery sharing and ensure that you and your iPhone companions never run out of power. Remember to monitor battery usage and follow the tips and tricks to make the most out of this feature. Stay connected and never worry about low battery again!

Comparison of Battery Sharing Features
Feature iPhone Android
Emergency Sharing

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