Step-by-Step Guide to Jailbreaking Your iPhone 12: Unlocking New Possibilities

Step-by-Step Guide to Jailbreaking Your iPhone 12: Unlocking New Possibilities


Jailbreaking your iPhone 12 can unlock a whole new world of possibilities. It allows you to customize your device beyond what Apple allows, install apps that are not available on the App Store, and access system files that are otherwise hidden. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of jailbreaking your iPhone 12.

Before You Begin

Before you begin the jailbreaking process, there are a few things you should do to prepare your device:

  • Back up your iPhone 12 to iCloud or iTunes.
  • Disable Find My iPhone by going to Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone and turning it off.
  • Disable your passcode by going to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode and turning off the passcode.
  • Make sure your iPhone 12 is running the latest version of iOS.

Step 1: Download a Jailbreaking Tool

The first step in jailbreaking your iPhone 12 is to download a jailbreaking tool. There are several tools available, but one of the most popular is unc0ver. You can download unc0ver from the official website or from a trusted third-party source.

Step 2: Connect Your iPhone 12 to Your Computer

Once you have downloaded the jailbreaking tool, connect your iPhone 12 to your computer using a Lightning cable.

Step 3: Trust Your Computer

If this is the first time you are connecting your iPhone 12 to your computer, you will need to trust your computer. To do this, unlock your iPhone 12 and tap “Trust” when prompted.

Step 4: Open the Jailbreaking Tool

Open the jailbreaking tool that you downloaded in Step 1.

Step 5: Jailbreak Your iPhone 12

Follow the instructions provided by the jailbreaking tool to jailbreak your iPhone 12. This typically involves pressing a button or two and waiting for the process to complete.

Step 6: Install Cydia

Once your iPhone 12 has been jailbroken, you will need to install Cydia. Cydia is a package manager that allows you to install apps and tweaks that are not available on the App Store.

Step 7: Install Tweaks and Apps

With Cydia installed, you can now install tweaks and apps that are not available on the App Store. There are thousands of tweaks and apps available, so take some time to explore and find the ones that best suit your needs.


Jailbreaking your iPhone 12 can unlock a whole new world of possibilities. It allows you to customize your device beyond what Apple allows, install apps that are not available on the App Store, and access system files that are otherwise hidden. With this step-by-step guide, you can jailbreak your iPhone 12 with ease and start exploring all the new possibilities that come with it.

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