Step-by-Step Guide: Pairing Your Signia Hearing Aids with an iPhone

Step-by-Step Guide: Pairing Your Signia Hearing Aids with an iPhone


Signia hearing aids are known for their advanced technology and seamless connectivity with various devices. If you own an iPhone and want to pair it with your Signia hearing aids, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process. By following these instructions, you’ll be able to enjoy a personalized listening experience and take full advantage of the features offered by your Signia hearing aids.

Step 1: Check Compatibility

Before you begin the pairing process, it’s important to ensure that your Signia hearing aids are compatible with your iPhone. Check the Signia website or consult the user manual to confirm compatibility. Most Signia hearing aids are compatible with iPhones running iOS 10 or later.

Step 2: Enable Bluetooth

Make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your iPhone. To do this, go to the Settings app and tap on “Bluetooth.” Toggle the switch to turn it on. Once Bluetooth is enabled, your iPhone will start searching for nearby devices.

Step 3: Put Your Hearing Aids in Pairing Mode

Next, you need to put your Signia hearing aids in pairing mode. The exact process may vary depending on the model you own, so refer to the user manual for specific instructions. In most cases, you’ll need to open the battery compartment and press and hold a specific button until you see a flashing light or hear a tone indicating that the hearing aids are in pairing mode.

Step 4: Connect Your Hearing Aids to Your iPhone

Once your hearing aids are in pairing mode, they should appear in the list of available devices on your iPhone. Look for the name of your hearing aids and tap on it to initiate the pairing process. Follow any on-screen prompts to complete the connection.

Step 5: Adjust Settings and Personalize Your Experience

After successfully pairing your Signia hearing aids with your iPhone, you can now adjust various settings and personalize your listening experience. Open the Signia app on your iPhone, if available, to access additional features and customization options. The app may allow you to adjust volume, change programs, and even control the directionality of the microphones in your hearing aids.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during the pairing process, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure your hearing aids are fully charged or have fresh batteries.
  • Restart your iPhone and try the pairing process again.
  • Ensure that your iPhone’s software is up to date.
  • Move closer to your hearing aids to improve the Bluetooth connection.
  • Reset your hearing aids by turning them off and on again.


Pairing your Signia hearing aids with an iPhone is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance your listening experience. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to connect your hearing aids to your iPhone and enjoy the convenience of wireless connectivity. Remember to consult the user manual or contact Signia support if you encounter any difficulties during the pairing process. With your Signia hearing aids and iPhone working together, you’ll be able to fully appreciate the sounds of the world around you.

Table: Compatible iPhone Models

iPhone Model Compatible
iPhone X Yes
iPhone 11 Yes
iPhone SE Yes
iPhone 8 Yes
iPhone 7 Yes


Signia. (n.d.). Retrieved from [Signia website URL]

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