Step-by-Step Guide: Combining Files on Your iPhone Made Easy

Step-by-Step Guide: Combining Files on Your iPhone Made Easy


Combining files on your iPhone can be a useful way to organize and manage your documents, photos, and other files. Whether you want to merge multiple PDFs into one document or combine several photos into a collage, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process.

Table of Contents

  1. Step 1: Install a File Combination App
  2. Step 2: Open the File Combination App
  3. Step 3: Select the Files You Want to Combine
  4. Step 4: Arrange the Files in the Desired Order
  5. Step 5: Choose the Output Format
  6. Step 6: Merge and Save the Combined File

Step 1: Install a File Combination App

The first step in combining files on your iPhone is to install a file combination app from the App Store. There are several apps available that offer this functionality, such as “File Merge & Split” or “PDF Merge & Split”. Choose the app that best suits your needs and download it to your iPhone.

Step 2: Open the File Combination App

Once you have installed the file combination app, locate it on your iPhone’s home screen and tap on its icon to open it. The app will launch, and you will be presented with its main interface.

Step 3: Select the Files You Want to Combine

In the file combination app, you will typically find an option to add files. Tap on this option to browse your iPhone’s storage and select the files you want to combine. You can choose multiple files of the same type or different types, depending on the capabilities of the app.

For example, if you want to merge PDF files, select the PDF files from your iPhone’s storage. If you want to combine photos, choose the desired photos from your photo library. Some apps may also allow you to select files from cloud storage services like iCloud or Dropbox.

Step 4: Arrange the Files in the Desired Order

After selecting the files, you will usually have the option to arrange them in the desired order. This step is particularly important when combining multiple files, as it determines the sequence in which the files will appear in the combined document.

Most file combination apps provide a drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to easily reorder the files. Simply tap and hold on a file, then drag it to the desired position in the list. Repeat this process for all the files until they are arranged in the desired order.

Step 5: Choose the Output Format

Next, you will need to choose the output format for the combined file. Depending on the app you are using, you may have various options available, such as PDF, JPEG, PNG, or even a specific file format for documents like Word or Excel.

Select the desired output format from the available options. If you are unsure which format to choose, consider the purpose of the combined file. For example, if you are merging PDF files for easy sharing and viewing, selecting PDF as the output format would be appropriate.

Step 6: Merge and Save the Combined File

Once you have arranged the files and selected the output format, you are ready to merge and save the combined file. Look for a “Merge” or “Combine” button in the app’s interface and tap on it to initiate the merging process.

The app will then process the selected files, combine them according to the specified order, and generate the combined file in the chosen output format. Depending on the size and number of files, this process may take a few seconds or longer.

Once the merging process is complete, the app will typically prompt you to save the combined file. Choose a location on your iPhone where you want to save the file, such as the Files app or a specific folder, and tap on the “Save” or “Done” button to complete the process.


Combining files on your iPhone is a straightforward process with the help of file combination apps. By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily merge multiple files into one document or create collages of your favorite photos. Experiment with different apps and formats to find the best combination method that suits your needs.

Additional Tips

  • Make sure to check the compatibility of the file combination app with your iPhone model and iOS version.
  • Consider organizing your files into separate folders before combining them to simplify the selection process.
  • Regularly update the file combination app to ensure you have access to the latest features and improvements.


Question Answer
Can I combine files of different formats? Yes, depending on the capabilities of the file combination app, you can combine files of different formats, such as PDFs, photos, or documents.
Are there any free file combination apps available? Yes, there are free file combination apps available on the App Store. However, they may have limitations or offer in-app purchases for additional features.
Can I undo the merging process? Once the files are merged and saved, it may not be possible to undo the process within the file combination app. However, you can delete the combined file and start over if needed.

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